Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It all started with an idea. We thought: "What if 100 women throughout the nation organized humanitarian yard sales that made around $1,000 each and donated the proceeds to a great cause?" That would add up to $100,000! That could build a school. That could feed hundreds of babies. That could give a lot of "someones" a fighting chance. That could also give blessed, beautiful, grateful, American Women a simple opportunity to change their lives (and their children's lives) forever. All in one simple weekend. Anyone can do this, (and everyone should) and our combined efforts will yield real, lasting, and truly amazing results. With that realization,

greengirls was born.

click on the ovals to find the information you are seeking.
happy seeking!

our cause

We are currently in the process of reviewing potential charities to benefit with the proceeds from next years' yard sales.



and Reach out.

add a greengirls bloggy button to your site!

1. Right click on the greengirls icon above, select "save image as" and save it to your computer.

2. log into your blog, and click "customize"

3. click "add a gadget" and select "picture"

4.load the greengirls icon into the picture slot

5. copy and paste the following link into the "link" bar:


click "save" and you're good to go!

Thank you for helping us spread our message of empowerment and hope! If you feel like going the extra mile, feel free to blog about us so that you're friends are sure to notice!


1. How do I schedule Laura and Stacey for a green girls speaking engagement?

Simply email Laura at ldugovic@yahoo.com and give her your name, number, address, and the date (or a few possible dates) you would like to hold your green girls party. This gathering will be unlike any other social gathering you’ve ever had with friends, family, and loved ones. Trust us; they’ve attended enough Tupperware and jewelry parties. They don’t need any more designer jeans, handbags, or shoes either. These are hard times. Budgets are tight. Most of your loved ones are probably stressed. Let’s take this distinct opportunity to shift gears and join the most inspiring, useful, and empowering movement of women around!

2. How do I initiate a greengirls yard sale?

Start with a green girls party and network from there! If you bring the friends, we’ll get them educated about the cause. They will leave your party educated, uplifted, and excited about making a difference. If you don't have time for a party, just email us (ldugovic@yahoo.com) and we'll get you set up with a video, yard sale tips, and we'll also email a letter that you can print out and distribute to neighbors to encourage them to get involved.

4.What organization do you support?

Project Lemonade

Central Asia Institute

5. What is a greengirl party and how do I host one?

A greengirl party provides you with a unique opportunity to learn more about our organization and also embark on a beautiful journey of growth, personal development, and global connectedness. Simply invite your friends, prepare some simple foods and email us to request your party kit. If you live in Utah, Laura and Stacey would be happy to come and speak personally to your group. If not, we will send you a great video that you can show at your party along with some simple guidelines to help you organize the best sale possible! Schedule with us at ldugovic@yahoo.com .


Our biggest sale day will be September 12th. We will be posting additional dates and the locations of yard sales as we receive them - stay tuned!

speaking engagements

To schedule a speaking engagement with Laura + Stacey, email us at ldugovic@yahoo.com with a few potential dates you have in mind, and we will get right back with you! We are currently scheduling the dates between August 12th and September 6th. Hurry and schedule today, you'll be glad that you did.

Our Speaking Engagements go hand in hand with the green girls party. It is simply an opportunity for women to gather, (in your living room) learn about a cause, and then make plans to change it! It will be educational, inspirational, and it will provide a great opportunity to strengthen relationships through your combined efforts to serve our sisters throughout the world.

how to help

Host a green girls party

1. Contact us (ldugovic@yahoo.com) and let us know that you’d like to host. We’ll email a hosting kit to you complete with invitations. We will also snail mail an informational DVD that will help you share the message of green girls with your party guests.

2. Send green girls invitations to everyone you know. Simply fill in the date, time, and location before mailing them out.

3. Go easy on yourself! Ask a few friends to provide salads, appetizers, or snacks. (Keep it super simple, it's not going to be about the food - we promise!) Vacuum your living room, light a few candles, and get ready to enjoy a meaningful evening of education and inspiration with your friends and neighbors. That’s right! We’re not all going to sit around and cry and talk about how bad life is…we’re going to celebrate, innovate, and discuss our own unique abilities that will aid us in our efforts to make a difference in the world around us.

4. If you live in the Utah area and would like to schedule Laura and Stacey for a speaking engagement at your green girls party, we’d love to! Just contact us at ldugovic@yahoo.com

We guarantee that your guests will come away from your party feeling educated, uplifted, empowered, and ready to act!

Host a green girls yard sale

You can do it. (We promise.)

1. Email us (ldugovic@yahoo.com) to request your yard sale kit!

2. Join forces with the women, friends, and neighbors that you invited to your green girls party.

3. Print out the yard sale donation fliers (that we will be emailing you) and distribute them to all of your friends, relatives, and neighbors.

4. Get excited. Tell everyone you know about it! Share our message, our website, and the “Your Child is My Child” video with anyone who will listen. If you’re excited – other people will be too. Have faith in yourself. This is a divine opportunity for personal growth. Stretch outside of your regular limitations and do something that pushes you! Your yard sale can be as simple as posters and stuff on tables, and as “big” as a multi-family or full-scale community yard sale. Just do what works for you! No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Make sure that you use the advertising and planning guidelines in the yard sale kit to insure the most successful sale possible.

5. Go through your house and purge, purge, purge. If you don’t use it – donate it. Make room for the fresh, new good that you want to come into your life! It can’t come to you until you make room for it!

6. Most importantly – get the family involved. Kids often feel that they have nothing to offer their world at large and you can help them to see that they most certainly DO! Educate them, inspire them, and give them the opportunity to make a real and powerful difference in another person's life. You will be amazed at how they will grow and feel about themselves because of this experience! Add a bake sale or lemonade stand to your sale to involve little ones. They will love operating their own station and will be more impacted by the experience than you might think.

media + press

Our first greengirls project: The Love Swap. on GTU.

contact us

We would love to hear from you!

Contact us at ldugovic@yahoo.com with any questions, comments, or suggestions you have.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Go ahead, attack that clutter! Get it out of your lives for good, and support a wonderful cause while you're at it! Clutter and excess will weigh you down and make life feel crazy. Set a date for your Green Girls yard sale, and then get to work, closet by closet and get that clutter out of your lives! For more inspiration to get started today, visit Peter Walsh at Oprah.com.

Here’s what you need to get started:

Fix a time. Schedule a time that suits everyone involved. Watch the Mothers Without Borders “Your Child is My Child” video as a family and talk about how you would like your family to make a difference in the lives of women and children in Zambia. Organizing and fundraising should be a family affair, so get everyone on board by scheduling your kick-start at a time that works for everyone and make attendance mandatory! Set aside a Saturday, or a few hours every day, to start the process.

Anything not used in 12 months. Face it: If you haven't used an item in the last year, it is highly unlikely you really need it or that you are going to ever get enough use out of it to justify it cluttering up your home. Take the plunge and get rid of it! Ask yourself these questions as you encounter each piece of clutter:

*Do I use this?
*How long has it been since I've used it?
*Will I use it again?
*Is it worth the space it takes up in my house?

Remember: The objective is to get stuff out of your home, not to move it into another room. You will be amazed by the sheer volume of unused and unneeded items in your home. Don't spend time inventing reasons to keep these things. Think of the people you are trying to help and then move it on out!Get rid of that stuff for good! A yard sale can be a useful—and meaningful—way to help women in need AND get that clutter out of your home! Here are some tips for a successful sale.

Set a date. Our focus date is September 12th!!!! You are welcome to do one before or after this date if that works better for you, just send the check in when you're done!

Decide what to sell. In addition to the things you've collected from purging, give everyone in your family a box or two that they can fill with additional items they are ready to sell. Give them a chance to watch the Mothers Without Borders PSA and also the video “Your Child is My Child” to help them understand more about the people that their donations will be helping.

Collect sale items. Sort and box similar items. This will save time later when you are setting up. Store everything neatly in the garage.

Get neighbors involved. Let your neighbors know about the sale, (email us for a ready-made flier that invited neighbors to join in)and encourage them to sell on the same day for the same cause. OR if they don’t have time or won’t be around, have them simply donate items that you can add to your sale! The more sellers, the more people you'll attract!

Some of the top-selling items at yard sales are: *electronics: televisions, stereos, ipods, headphones, old game systems*cameras*walkers*bouncers*bikes*wagons*large baby and children's toys*air conditioners*stoves and other household appliances* microwaves*baby furniture*full-sized furniture*dressers*sofas*chairs*dining sets*camping gear*pet supplies*pet crates and kennels*clothing*books* the more "big ticket" items you can get your hands on, the better your sale will be!

Tell the world. It's all about advertising. Put large, colorful signs on all major roads. Keep them all the same color with clear directions, the address and the time. Also, take out ads in local papers and put notices in local supermarkets. MOST IMPORTANTLY:list the yard sale on craigslist and KSL.com under the yard sale headings and in free community papers also. RE-LIST this ad daily so it stays at the top of the heap! This will draw great crowds. Make sure you list the best and coolest items you will have there so you will catch shoppers out searching for those specific items.
Attach price tags. Clearly price everything with masking tape and bright markers. Put like things together. Use tables to make the viewing of merchandise easier. Borrow clothing racks, and have a great layout of goods so people can easily see everything.

Enlist helpers. Assign your helpers specific tasks like managing the crowds, answering questions, making sales, taking payments and providing laughter and fun.
Be prepared. Have an extension cord handy so people can check electric items. Have shopping bags or boxes handy to help people collect and carry goods away.
Get some sleep. On the night before the sale, put up a sign in front of your house that says, "Absolutely no early birds." Otherwise, you'll have people knocking at your door before the sun is up.
Manage the money. Have ONLY 1 person handling ALL money at all times, and have a lot of small change handy—use a fanny pack to keep it safe and in one place.

Bargain. The idea of a yard sale is to get rid of everything. Bargain like crazy—offer to add items for an extra 50 cents or offer five books for the price of three. An hour before closing, slash prices!
Get rid of everything. Arrange for a charity to pick up whatever is not sold. Don't take anything back into the house!
Above all… Keep your sense of humor and make the day enjoyable for all. Encourage people to haggle and make a game of it. You'll sell more stuff and have fun.

Most importantly: Make your check out to Mothers Without Borders, mail it in, and celebrate your accomplishments as a family, neighborhood, or group of friends! We will be adding up all of our checks and announcing a grand total at the end of September! No check or offering is too small. $25.00 feeds one baby for an entire month! Think of the difference that would make! Let’s show the world what ONE woman (and one woman…and one woman…) can do!